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push() unit of measure together with signal

Johannes Sikstrom
Go to solution Solved by Synjen Marrocco,

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Hi, (updated since first post)


I'm trying to push() 2 external signals and metadata for UoM for them in a single push(). SO far i can make it work with 2 separate pushes, one for the data and one for the metadata like in the code below:


#create df's
data_for_seeq_FCRD_Up = pd.DataFrame({'FCR-D Up Price': prices_upp}, index=pd.to_datetime(dates_upp))
data_for_seeq_FCRD_Down = pd.DataFrame({'FCR-D Down Price': prices_ned}, index=pd.to_datetime(dates_ned))
# Combine the data for both signals into a single DataFrame
data_for_seeq_combined = pd.concat([data_for_seeq_FCRD_Up, data_for_seeq_FCRD_Down], axis=1)

push_result = spy.push(data=data_for_seeq_combined, workbook='Aitik >> FCR Aitik Monitor', worksheet='FCR Prices')

# Assuming 'push_result' now contains two rows, one for each signal
# Update the 'Name' and 'Value Unit Of Measure' for both signals
push_result.loc[push_result['Name'] == 'FCR-D Up Price', 'Value Unit Of Measure'] = 'EUR/MW'
push_result.loc[push_result['Name'] == 'FCR-D Down Price', 'Value Unit Of Measure'] = 'EUR/MW'

# Push the combined metadata back to Seeq
push_results_meta_combined = spy.push(metadata=push_result, workbook='Aitik >> FCR Aitik Monitor', worksheet='FCR Prices')

# Print the combined push results

When i try to structure the metadata and send in in the same push() as the data it looks like this:

data_for_seeq_FCRD_Up = pd.DataFrame({'FCR-D Up Price': prices_upp}, index=pd.to_datetime(dates_upp))
data_for_seeq_FCRD_Down = pd.DataFrame({'FCR-D Down Price': prices_ned}, index=pd.to_datetime(dates_ned))
# Combine the data for both signals into a single DataFrame
data_for_seeq_combined = pd.concat([data_for_seeq_FCRD_Up, data_for_seeq_FCRD_Down], axis=1)

# Create a single metadata DataFrame for both signals
metadata_combined = pd.DataFrame({
    'Name': ['FCR-D Up Price', 'FCR-D Down Price'],  # Signal names
    'Value Unit Of Measure': ['EUR/MW', 'EUR/MW']  # Units of measure for both signals
    # Add other required fields for metadata as per your requirements
metadata_combined.index = metadata_combined['Name']

push_results_combined = spy.push(data=data_for_seeq_combined, metadata=metadata_combined, workbook='Aitik >> FCR Aitik Monitor', worksheet='FCR Prices',datasource='Mimer SVK API')

The format of the data and metadata dataframes looks like:

                           FCR-D Up Price  FCR-D Down Price
2023-11-16 00:00:00+01:00       23.066646          9.116699
2023-11-16 01:00:00+01:00       22.670452          9.076252
2023-11-16 02:00:00+01:00       21.816880          8.906874
2023-11-16 03:00:00+01:00       21.654117          8.916882
2023-11-16 04:00:00+01:00       26.594917          8.885253
                              Name Value Unit Of Measure
FCR-D Up Price      FCR-D Up Price                EUR/MW
FCR-D Down Price  FCR-D Down Price                EUR/MW


The error I keep getting is:

SPy Error: Items with no valid type specified cannot be pushed unless they are calculations. "Formula" column is required for such items.


So when I send then in separate pushes it works, but sending data and metadata together then the type is not valid for the signals? What is happening here?

Edited by Johannes Sikstrom
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  • Solution

Hi Johannas,

It looks like in your first post that your metadata dataframe might have an issue. Can you try the same code but remove the inplace= True from the set_index? Additionally, can you add a 'Type' column to the metadata? You can also output the metadata frame before the push to ensure it is as expected.

This example seemed to work for me:

from seeq import spy
import pandas as pd

import csv
csv_file = pd.read_csv('data_.csv', parse_dates=['Date-Time'], index_col='Date-Time')
metadata = pd.DataFrame({
    'Name': ['Temperature', 'RH'], 
    'Value Unit Of Measure': 'EUR/MW',

}).set_index('Name', drop=False)

spy.push(data = csv_file, metadata = metadata, workbook='synjen_test004')



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yes! Those changes seem to do the trick. I now have this that works:

data_for_seeq_FCRD_Up = pd.DataFrame({'FCR-D Up Price': prices_upp}, index=pd.to_datetime(dates_upp))
data_for_seeq_FCRD_Down = pd.DataFrame({'FCR-D Down Price': prices_ned}, index=pd.to_datetime(dates_ned))
# Combine the data for both signals into a single DataFrame
data_for_seeq_combined = pd.concat([data_for_seeq_FCRD_Up, data_for_seeq_FCRD_Down], axis=1)

# Create a single metadata DataFrame for both signals
metadata_combined = pd.DataFrame({
    'Name': ['FCR-D Up Price', 'FCR-D Down Price'],  # Signal names
    'Value Unit Of Measure': 'EUR/MW',  # Units of measure for both signals
    # Add other required fields for metadata as per your requirements
}).set_index('Name', drop=False)

# Push the combined data and metadata to Seeq in one operation
push_results_combined = spy.push(data=data_for_seeq_combined, metadata=metadata_combined, workbook='Aitik >> FCR Aitik Monitor', worksheet='FCR Prices',datasource='Mimer SVK API')

I thought I had tried all combinations but I suspect the 'Type': 'Signal' was the culprit. In my attempts to add Type I added just the short form 'Si' (for 'Signal') and that does not work. That's why I removed the Type assign from the dataframe.

Thank you! 

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