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Hello Bill,

one way I can think of is using a little python script inside Seeq Data Lab:

import seeq.sdk as sdk
import pandas as pd
user_api = sdk.UsersApi(spy.client)
userlist = user_api.get_users()
users = list()
for user in userlist.users:
    users.append({"Username": user.username, "First Name": user.first_name, "Last Name": user.last_name, "Directory": user.datasource_name})

You might need to run

pip install openpyxl

 first and restart the kernel, if you get an error message that the package could not be found.

The Excel file will appear in the rootfolder of your DataLab project and can be downloaded from there.

I tested the script on R61, so I am not sure if you need to modify it a bit to get it working with R58.



  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Bill,

if you do not have Data Lab than you can use the REST API of Seeq. I created an example using Powershell:

$baseurl = "https://myseeqinstance"

$headers = @{
    "accept" = "application/vnd.seeq.v1+json"
    "Content-Type" = "application/vnd.seeq.v1+json"

$body = @{
    "authProviderClass" = "Auth"
    "authProviderId" = "Seeq"
    "code" = $null
    "password" = "<password>"
    "state" = $null
    "username" = "<username>"
} | ConvertTo-Json

$url = $baseurl + "/api/auth/login"

$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $url -Headers $headers -body $body

$headers = @{
    "accept" = "application/vnd.seeq.v1+json"
    "x-sq-auth" = $response.Headers.'x-sq-auth'

$url = $baseurl + "/api/users?sortOrder=email%20asc&offset=0&limit=200"

$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $url -Headers $headers

$selectedAttributes = $response.users | Select-Object -Property firstname, lastname, email

$selectedAttributes | Export-Csv -Path "userlist.csv" -NoTypeInformation

The script uses the /auth/login endpoint to authenticate the user and retrieves the list of users (limited to 200) using the /users endpoint. You would need to replace the value in the first line with the URL of your Seeq system (eg. https://mycompany.seeq.site) and specify the credentials by replacing <password> and <username> inside the script. The list of users will be written to the file userlist.csv inside the directory from which the powershell script is run. 

Let me know if this works for you.



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