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Problem with Workbook updating automatically

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I have created a program whose task is to pull data from a server, apply some calculations to obtain some calculated values with metadata associated to them and finally push values and metadata to the Seeq Workbench. In the Workbench, the pushed signals are organized in different Worksheets. The program is automatically ran every hour using spy.jobs and the values are 'stored' in the Workbench so to create a time series of hourly points.  A scorecard metric was created for every pushed signal in order to visualize the data in 'Calendar' mode in the Worksheet. 


While the system is working properly most of the time, it happens sometimes that all signals get deleted from some Worksheet for apparently no reason. It happens to random Worksheets at random moments (first time was few months ago and last time was a week ago). The signals get deleted from the Worksheet only and not from the Seeq Database, so that the problem can be solved by searching the pushed signals one by one in the 'Data' panel of the Workbook and select them again. 


Of course, restoring the Worksheet is a tedious work given the high number of signals.

Hereafter, there is a diagram for the data flow, maybe it can help find the problem.



Thank you,


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  • Seeq Team

Hello Francesco, 
If this issue has not been resolved, I'd recommend you sign up for an upcoming Seeq Office Hours (link
where a Seeq analytics engineer can get more information and help determine a path forward. 


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