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Determine or set units for totalized statistic in spy.pull

Go to solution Solved by John Brezovec,

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In the documentation for spy.pull, there's a section for Mixing Conditions with Signals.  If I'm using the totalized statistic, how do I either determine what time units SEEQ is sending the results back as, or specify them.

This post  implies that I would pass totalized("min") similar to how it asks for Rate("min"), but SEEQ doesn't like that, see error message below.

I ask because it gave me results with the time units of seconds in one particular test, but another later test gave me it in minutes.  I'm not clear what I did to change the results.

I was only able to deduce it by checking the value and knowing what answer to expect.




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  • Seeq Team
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Passing the Totalized statistic behaves the same as if you called the Totalized statistic in formula without specifying a unit of measure (i.e. $condition.setProperty('Total Quantity', $signal, totalized()) :

  • If you pass a signal with a rate unit like kg/min, totalize() will coerce the resultant value to a quantity (kg), since a unit like kg/min * s isn't useful
  • If you pass a signal that is not a rate, totalize() will default to use seconds -- things like kg * s

I'd be curious if you could recreate it giving you seconds one instance and minutes another. I'm also going to create a feature request in our system to be able to specify the units when using totalize with shape='capsules'

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks John for confirming the default units.  I haven't been able to replicate the seconds / minutes inconsistency again.  I'll submit a ticket if it comes up again.

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