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Converting a Condition to a Boolean Signal

John Cox

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  • Seeq Team

A common analytics need is to create a signal with numerical values that are based on an existing condition. Users often want to translate a condition (on/off, good data/bad data, running/down, etc.) to a numerical value to be used in calculations. For example, a user may want to multiply a process signal by a 0/1 value based on when the process is down/running. This technique can also be used to replicate "if" logic or "if / else" logic, where different values are returned depending on if the condition is true/false. 

Converting a condition to a signal value can be easily accomplished in Seeq using the Formula Tool and the splice function. Here is an example where we convert a condition to a signal of 0s and 1s:


1. Use the Value Search Tool to create a HOT condition for time periods when the Temperature signal is > 90 degrees F:



2. Use the Formula Tool to convert the HOT condition to a 1 (when condition is true) and a 0 (when condition is false):



3. View the results in the trend. The new signal in lane 2 has a value of 1 when the HOT condition is true. Otherwise, the signal is 0.



Additional Information

Using Conditions and the Splice Function to Replace If Statements

Content Verified DEC2023

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  • Synjen Marrocco changed the title to Converting a Condition to a Boolean Signal


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