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When performing certain types of analysis, it is desirable to combine past measured data with some future prediction, whether that prediction is dynamic or static. Future predicted data can be used for degradation or maintenance date predictions, future performance modeling, signal forecasting, or a wide variety of other potential use cases. Combining some future data with a measured signal is simple in Seeq! Another major benefit? As new data comes in the predicted values can be automatically updated with the actual data! 

Here is one way to join past measured data with some future forecast signal.


To combine measured and forecasted data we will need:

  • Measured Data - a signal(s) that will replace the predicted signal as it becomes available
  • Prediction / Forecast Signal - This could be a flat signal entered in formula, a signal developed in the prediction tool, or some other signal that extends out into the future

Method for Combining the Signals

1. Create the Master Signal

In formula, use the forecastSplice() operator to join the Measured Data and the Forecast Signal

The Master Signal now appears as solid line where points are known, and dashed line where the points are still uncertain and expected to change. This is slightly different from the view shown above where the entire Master Signal was dashed due to uncertainty of future data. This helps the Seeq user to visually see where the Measured Data ends and where our Forecast Signal begins. Just as the above formula, the forecastSplice() will update as new data comes in


Another operator, forecastConstant() can also be used. This would do something similar to what is shown above, however, instead of combining the Forecast Signal with the Measured Data, forecastConstant() would project the last value for the Measured Data into the future for some specified amount of time i.e. 


would create a Master Signal where the forecast is projected 1 day into the future:



2. Make sure the Master Signal is Auto-Updating

By default when the page is loaded or the time range adjusted, the Master Signal will be recalculated and any new data from the Measured Signal will replace the Forecast Signal.

Additionally, the analysis can be set to Auto Update.


Content Verified DEC2023



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