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Exporting to Excel (Capsule Summary Problem)


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Hi all,

I have created a workbench with three temperature signals (x, y, z) and I have added six value search conditions (x Hi, x Lo, y Hi, y Lo, z Hi, z Lo). A High and Low condition for each signal. This has created a list of 95 capsules for the six conditions.

I am exporting the summary data to excel. The information tab contains a list of my 95 capsules. However, the Capsule Summary tab contains a list of 285 line items. I am seeing the information for all three signals against each capsule ID, rather than just the signal that capsules condition was configured against.

I have tried only selecting one signal and its two conditions and exporting. But I still get all 95 capsules and 285 line items. Not sure if I am doing something incorrectly? I expected the Capsule Summary tab to list just the 95 capsules with the relevant stats? I would like to avoid having to create a workbench for each signal and its conditions. Is there another work around?

Also the time stamps in the excel export appear as EST despite my profile and workbench being set to GMT?


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