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Calculate the Offset Between Signal Peaks

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  • Seeq Team

How can I find the duration of time between the two peaks of my signals?

In this Use case, we have 2 signals: Signal 1 and Signal 2.  We'd like to use Seeq to calculate the offset (in time) of the peaks in the two signals.  The following steps can be used to perform this calculation.


  • Seeq Team

Analysis Steps

1. Use the Value Search tool to create a condition for the peaks.



2. Use the Signal from Condition tool (twice) to calculate the maximum value of each signal during the Peaks condition.  Be sure to place the timestamp of the statistic at the point of maximum value.



3. Finally, use the following syntax in Formula to calculate the offset between each set of peaks.  The result of this Formula is a new time series signal with a sample reporting the offset for each pair of peaks.




Analysis Steps IF you already have a conditions for the max of the peaks:

If you already have conditions with capsules that start (or end) at the peak max then you can use a Composite Condition followed by Signal from Condition. Here is how...

1. Use Composite Condition to join the two capsules. In this example the capsules start at the peak max so the join will be inclusive of A but not inclusive of B.


2. Use Signal from Condition to calculate the duration of the Peak-to-Peak capsules.



Content Verified DEC2023


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