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Specifying the Appropriate Time Zone for Periodic Condition

John Cox

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The timing of Periodic Condition capsules is tied to the time zone selected by the user when specifying the Periodic Condition. The user should pay close attention to this selection as it can have significant impact on calculated results. 

Suppose the user is creating a daily periodic condition as shown below:


In this case, the user has specified US/Eastern time zone for the daily capsules when setting up the Periodic Condition We can see in the capsules pane in the screenshot below that these capsules start at 12am in the Eastern time zone, which is the "worksheet time zone" the user is currently using for the trend display (evidenced by the "EST" to the right of the timestamps just below the trend). NOTE: the worksheet time zone changes the display of the timestamps, but it doesn't change the actual timestamps of the daily capsules.



Now, suppose the user wants to do a daily average or totalization based on this daily condition, but the calculations are for equipment or a manufacturing site that is in the US Central time zone (or some other time zone). Because the daily capsules start at 12am Eastern time, the calculated results would be inaccurate for daily results involving equipment in the US Central time zone, as we would be aggregating the daily results starting at 11pm Central time. The selection of the appropriate time zone always depends on the specific objectives of each analysis, but in this specific case the user may want to set up the Periodic Condition specifying US/Central for the time zone, so that daily aggregations are from 12am-12am Central time. 

Selecting the correct time zone is also important because it affects edge cases like daylight savings. Selecting a time zone that honors DST will produce the 25 or 23h capsule on the proper adjustment day.

Similar time zone comments apply when working with capsules representing other periodic time periods (weeks, months, years, etc.), as well as for recurring crew shifts - where the user should specify the time zone carefully based on the objectives, manufacturing site, equipment location, etc. 

Content Verified DEC2023

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