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  • Seeq Team

Sometimes it is helpful to show the date range of the Seeq content used in an Organizer Topic that is shown in the topic itself. One way to do this and reduce manual updates to the topic is to leverage a scorecard to achieve an auto-updating date range. The the below steps detail how to create a date range scorecard metric:

1) Create a string signal with descriptive text using formula. The string will be displayed in the scorecard. 

"Current Date Range".toSignal()

2) Create a simple scorecard metric that measures the string signal created in step 1. The result is a scorecard metric showing the date range in the header and the descriptive text in the cell. 


3) Remove the column with the scorecard metric name by selecting the green "x" at the top of the metric. 


4) Insert the scorecard into the Organizer Topic and apply the desired date range. The scorecard will reflect the date range configured and applied from the Topic.


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  • 2 months later...
  • Seeq Team

Hi Atul


Organizer Topic is very flexible to your needs as a user.  If you want the last 3 days of data you could configure the date range as the below:


This will provide you the last 3 days of data, offset 0 minutes in the past and can auto-update once a day. 


You can also configure different pieces of content in your report to have different date ranges: Below you can see I have a date range for the Last 3 Weeks as well as the Last 3 Days:


In order to update your content:

1. Click on the content

2. Click the Seeq Q


3.Select which Date Range you want to be applied to your content.



If you need anything else let me know.


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Thanks for your reply

I have tried the same way and I was succeeded to auto update it but one problem appear , I loss cloumes in final output , previously I was having 3 columns but after applying the condition only one with no values. see the attachments for reference


originally , it looks like this 


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