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Go to solution Solved by Allison Buenemann,

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FAQ: I have a CSV file that has the start and end times of some historical events and various information about the events that I would like to use in my analysis in Seeq. How do I go about getting these events and all of their associated information into Seeq?


Edited by Nuraisyah Rosli
Remove the solution for old version (before R22.0.48)
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You can refer to this KB article on the Import CSV for the requirements before you start importing. Steps below is to guide you on the optional settings to set the information as properties.

When you open the import from CSV file tool, select import file as condition. 



If you scroll down to the "+" icon that says "Optional Settings" you'll see that the default treatment of CSVs imported as a condition is to treat all columns as capsule properties. 



Content Verified MAY2024

Edited by Nuraisyah Rosli
Remove the method for old version (before R22.0.48) and reword the answer
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