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Nested IF Statement in SEEQ

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Hi All,

I'm trying to perform Multiple IF Statement in seeq but don't have any clarity as to how should i perform.

Can anyone tell me how should i apply it.

I have gone through the Below links as well which are already available in seeq forum,it seems they're not helping either.

Link :- 



Jitesh Vachheta






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Hi Jitesh,

I tried to develop a nested if with the following logic:

if (temp > 66)
    if (rh > 50)
        temp = 1/temp    ;
    else if (wetbulb < 75)
        temp *= 2; 

If no condition is met, the temperature should not be modified.



However it would be great if you could provide an example of what you are trying to achieve.




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