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Sean T

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  1. Sean T's post in Error once folder duplicated. was marked as the answer   
    Hi Paul,
    This error report is generated whenever a duplication happens that results in some things not properly being duplicated. In your instance you might be fine and can just delete the error report page. 
    In this case it looks like there is an item named "Column 2" that was deleted (archived) and thus was not properly copied? Either that or the item named column 2 is a string signal and a unitless value is trying to be replaced for any invalid periods using the replaceNotValid() function. To  fix this, replace your invalid sections in the formula with another string (you can convert something to a string using the .toString() function)
    I would check: where the "column 2" item is used, if at all. Search in the data tab for Column 2. If it isnt used anywhere, then youre good to go! If it is used somewhere, update the formula for Column 2 with a string value that you are replacing not valid for, likely using the string funtion i mentioned above.
    Hope that Helps!
  2. Sean T's post in How can i create a Table with multiple variable time periods? was marked as the answer   
    To do this, there are a variety of tools i can use in Seeq. First off, you can use the manual condition tool to make a condition out of any time periods of interest. Here is more information on the manual condition tool: https://support.seeq.com/kb/latest/cloud/manual-condition#:~:text=The Manual Condition tool allows,by picking a time range.
    In this example, i also want to add custom context to each of these time periods (April 2019, quarter 1, Year to Date...) 
    I will use the Formula tool to create a condition containing each of these periods with the associated custom context (capsule properties)
     Note that I assigned a property to each capsule; this text will be used as the column header in the Table:
    2. Create a with the stats i am interested in, or use Scorecard metric if i cant add these statistics using the Columns button:

    3. Finally, use the capsule property as the column headers:

    Content Verified DEC2023
  3. Sean T's post in How can i creat Time Based Conditions for times not listed in Periodic Condition Tool? was marked as the answer   
    To create a condition for a period that is not in the periodic condition tool, we can use the periods() function in seeq formula. This allows us to not only create periods like 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 2 hours, etc, but to also have overlapping periods, like look at the last 2 hours every 15 minutes.
    Here is an example of creating a condition using the periods function in formula:

    You can see in my capsules pane that each capsule is 2 hours long, but a capsule is created every 15 minutes. 
    To create an average for this new period, i can use this as i would any other condition. Here i am showing an example of a 2 hour average calculated every 15 minutes for a temperature:

    Content Verified DEC2023
  4. Sean T's post in Mean Kinetic Temperature (MKT) Calculation was marked as the answer   
    To calculate the mean kinetic temperature in Seeq, we need to break the formula up into several steps: 
    1. Start by calculating the time intervals for each of the data points (tn) i.e. the time between each data point. In many cases these are evenly spaced and the formula simplifies, but in case they are not, this can be calculated in Seeq Formula by creating capsules for each data point and then aggregating the duration of each of those capsules:
    $temp.tocapsules().aggregate(totalduration(),$temp.tocapsules(),startkey()).tostep() //Calculate the time between each datapoint as a new signal In the below image i an visualizing the signal created that measures the time between each datapoint with the data points shown. Here my signal is regularly sampled so the resulting signal has a constant value

    2. Next, calculate the exponential relationship for each sample point (t*exp(-deltaH/RTn)) using Seeq Formula. For this example, delta H was set to 83.14 kJ/mol:
    $H = 83.14kJ/mol $TimeInterval*CONSTANT.E^(-$H/CONSTANT.R/$temp) Here i have calculated the exponential relationship:

    3. At this point, the desired time period to perform the MKT calculation over must be selected. This can be done by creating a capsule with the Manual Condition tool for a manual entry period, or can be calculated from any other condition that has been created. The desired time period can be as long or short as desired.
    In this screenshot i am creating a Manual Condition for my time range:

    4. The next step is to sum the numerator and denominator of the natural log portion of the MKT calculation. These summations across the time period signified in step 3 can be performed with the Signal from Condition tool by selecting the sum statistic, the time period from step 3, and the aggregation at the middle timestamp of the condition. This step should be performed for both calculated signals from steps 1 (time intervals for denominator) and 2 (exponential rates for numerator).
    Here i am showing the Signal from Condition calculation for the sum of the exponential relationship:

    5. Finally, the MKT calculation can be calculated with Seeq Formula, Here the Numerator is the exponential relationship and the denominator is the sum of time intervals. Of note: the resulting calculation will have units that match your original degree Unit of Measure even though the resultant units will show as otherwise, it is best to use .setUnits() to adjust your units of measure so they are accurate. Here my original units were in Farenheight but i want my output in K so i have set, then converted my units.
    $H = 83.14kJ/mol (($H/CONSTANT.R)/(-ln($TotalizedNumerator/$TotalizedDenominator))).setUnits('F').convertUnits('K')
    As an example, below is a graph showing this calculation being done over multiple time periods of interest (green capsules at top) in my Manual Condition:

    Content Verified DEC2023

  5. Sean T's post in How to get capsule properties data from the Capsules Pane into an Organizer Topic was marked as the answer   
    To add any properties in the capsules pane into an organizer, We simply need to replicate the capsules pane table in our Tables view. 
    Here you can see my Capsules Pane with several properties i am interested in getting into organizer:

    We start by navigating to the Tables and Charts view, and selecting a condition table.

    From here we can build our table! To do this, Click on the columns button in the top toolbar, and either select the default properties you want or use the properties dropdown to select custom properties. 

    Now i have my capsules table replicated in the table view! From here you can insert your content into organizer as you would with any other content!
    Here is a KB article that walks through inserting content into organizer if more help is needed on that topic: https://support.seeq.com/kb/latest/cloud/inserting-seeq-content#:~:text=Any Seeq content can be added to an Organizer Topic.&text=Use the Seeq icon in,pasting a URL from Seeq.


    Content Verified DEC2023
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