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John Holland

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Everything posted by John Holland

  1. Hi all, I have built an analysis on an asset tree and an SDL program that is becoming widely used and important for my colleagues. Usually, I would try to build such a tool using Test Driven Development. Years of experience of breaking things has taught me the benefits of this approach! However, I am struggling to build a strategy here and was wondering if there are any recommendations for doing this with the spy library. Thanks.
  2. Hi Emilio, apologies for the delay. Your reply gave me enough pointers to get this to work (with the help of ChatGPT!). An abridged version of the code is below: import cssutils # type: ignore[import-untyped] import pandas as pd from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from pandas.io.formats.style import Styler class StyleData def style_area_data_for_seeq_topic( self, area: str, data_df: pd.DataFrame, *, reverse_sort: bool = False, ) -> str: """Style the data for the Seeq topic.""" styler = self._style_area_data( area, data_df, reverse_sort=reverse_sort, ) if styler is None: msg = f"Styler for {area} is None." raise ValueError(msg) soup = BeautifulSoup(styler.to_html(), "html.parser") style_tag = soup.find("style") if style_tag is None: msg = f"Style tag for {area} is None." raise ValueError(msg) parser = cssutils.CSSParser() stylesheet = parser.parseString(getattr(style_tag, "string", None)) for rule in stylesheet: if rule.type == rule.STYLE_RULE: selector = rule.selectorText style = rule.style.cssText elements = soup.select(selector) for el in elements: existing_style = el.get("style", "") new_style = existing_style + style el["style"] = new_style style_tag.extract() return str(soup.prettify().strip())
  3. Hi, hopefully the attached shows you all you need to know. Thanks. Untitled.ipynb (auto-d) - JupyterLab.pdf
  4. Hi Emilio, that is more or less exactly what I did. Do be sure, I ran the following: html = df_styled.to_html() topic_search = spy.workbooks.search({'ID': organizer_id}) topic = spy.workbooks.pull(topic_search, include_referenced_workbooks = False)[0] topic.document('Sheet2') topic.worksheets[-1].html = html organizer_push = spy.workbooks.push(topic) where df_styled is a pandas styler object. The result was the same. Running df_styled in the notebook prints the coloured table, but going to the new Sheet2 in the topic shows a plain table.
  5. I have a SDL notebook that produces a pandas Styler object and uses IPython.core.display.display_html to display these. When I run this in addon mode, it works perfectly. However, I would prefer to share this via an organiser topic. I have seen other topics here where images are updated and I have tried similar methods. This pushes the tables fine but loses the styling. Is there a way to provide this styling to the organiser topic or perhaps the best approach might be to try to create images from the html? Thanks.
  6. I have configured an Organiser Topic to update daily and send an email notification with attached PDF. This is all working well, except it always creates the PDF in Portrait and I want it in landscape. Is there a way for me to change this (R60.1.3-v202304242300) or does it need to be added as a feature request? Thanks.
  7. Thanks Thorsten. We are currently using R56, but good to know this is fixed.
  8. Hi, I have a String signal that is having its label truncated on the y-axis. Is there any way to widen the area for these labels to avoid this? In case this doesn't make sense, hopefully this image will help: Thanks.
  9. Thanks very much Patrick. I downgraded tzlocal to v2.1 and the issue is resolved.
  10. I am investigating the Spy module on my local machine. Following the example to pull data for a signal works when I give a timezone. When I try to run throught the example in the spy.assets notebook, I run into an error at the spy.push(metadata=build_df, errors='catalog') stage. It throws an error: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'total_seconds' This was the error that caused me to add timezones to the signal request, but I don't see how to do this for this request. Any ideas? Thanks.
  11. Hi, I have a similar issue. Just wondering if you found a solution here?
  12. Hi Joe, thanks for the quick response. That works perfectly!
  13. Hi, I want to create a capsule containing the 12 months previous to the current month. So, with today being 25th November, the capsule should be from 1st November 2019 00:00 to 1st November 2020 00:00. I tried: $startofthismonth = floorTime(now(), 1mo, '2020-11-01' ,"Europe/Belfast") $startofprevious12months = $startofthismonth - 12month condition(12 mo, capsule($startofprevious12months,$startofthismonth)) Which starts at the right time but shows 'In Progress'. Is there any way to do this so that the capsule has a proper end time. The goal is to use this in an organiser topic to show 12 months data. Perhaps there is a better way to do this? Thanks.
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