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Simple Chart Trends

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I have a chart up with several trends up. These trends are trending a live process are are set up with a 1 min Auto Update Interval

When you hold your mouse over the trends line will show up and have a box pop up showing the sample number at that location. 

Q: Is there a way to have each trend have that pop up on the right all the time?

Thanks in advance,



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Hi Drew,

if I understand the problem correctly, you want the current value to be displayed. As far as I know it is not possible to display the last value in the chart all the time. But you can get an overwiew of the last values of your signals by creating some Scorecard Metrics that display the current value at the end of the display range. These values are being updated if the Auto Update setting is active:


Hope this helps.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Seeq Team


As Thorsten said, we do not currently have a way to show the most current values in the trend view of Workbench. If you want to view the value and the trend at the same time, you could create a scorecard as Thorsten suggested, then create an Organizer Topic with both the Scorecard Metrics and the trend view on the same page. 

You mentioned in your PDF that you wanted to move the trend range (axis) from the left side of the Y-Axis to the right. You can currently accomplish this using the 'Align' option in the customize pane. Select R instead of L:


I can submit a feature request for each of the items you show in your attached PDF (View most recent values on the trend and grid lines on the trend axes). If you would like to be attached to the feature requests, please email support@seeq.com so we can attach you. That way you will be notified as your requests get worked on!

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  • 7 months later...

The "last value" statistic is now an option that you can add to the details pane. Click the "+" icon highlighted below, and select "last value" to show the most recent value of a signal. Note that this will display the last value of the signal in the display pane, so make sure your date range is updated to end at the current time by clicking the "step to the current time" arrow to the right of the display range interval. 


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