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Create Signal from Sample

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I have a series of data 56 days(5/13 to 7/8) long that represents one interval of shifts at a plant (4 shifts on a 2-3-3-3 schedule). I want to create a signal that is basically that interval of data repeated forever in either direction. The idea would be to be able to use that signal to determine what shift is on at any given time and compare data across shifts.


How would I make this 56 day signal into something continuous?

Thanks in advance!

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  • Seeq Team

Hi William,

If you just want to make the 56 day cycle of one interval of shifts into a recurring periodic condition you can use the periods() function in formula. This function can take a number of optional arguments but the basics are: length of capsule, time between capsule starts, time to start first capsule (can be time zone adjusted).

For your specific case, try this in formula:

periods(56 day, 56 day, '2019-05-13')

where you have a 56 day capsule that is created every 56 days starting on may 13th (i used may 13th of this year in the example)


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