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  1. Patrick's post in How to replace gap in the signal by the last good value in Seeq Workbench? was marked as the answer   
    Hi Manoel - Can you try inserting a `.validvalues()` after the "$reg" in the last line?  If invalid samples are present in the signal, no interpolation will occur.
    This also might be worth a quick office hour visit to troubleshoot 1:1 - https://outlook.office365.com/book/SeeqOfficeHours@seeq.com/
  2. Patrick's post in Ignore Short Gaps of Composite Conditions was marked as the answer   
    Hi EPH - We don't have the capability to remove short Capsules in a Composite Condition via the GUI, however, it can be done easily in formula like so:
    ($a.intersect($b)) .removeShorterThan(1h) where $a and $b are the respective conditions and the parameter in removeshorterthan() specifies the minimum capsule duration (above example, anything shorter than 1 hour will be ignored).
    If you already have the Composite Condition set up, go to "Item Properties" (green i), click the down arrow next to "Duplicate", and select "Duplicate to Formula".  This will pre-populate $a.intersect($b) with your signals in Formula, and you can then append ".removeShorterThan(1h)" to create the new condition that ignores short capsules.
  3. Patrick's post in How to recreate the same worksheet with new tags, without affecting the original was marked as the answer   
    Starting in R63, you have the ability to "deep copy" worksheets to automatically create new, independent items. 
    Details here:
  4. Patrick's post in Oil and Gas Use Case was marked as the answer   
    To address your first question of creating the t>1 hr after shut-in capsule. One method to do this is below: 
    1. Create a condition for ~5 min before shut-in and shift it by ~5 min to make sure you have the Steady state DHP prior to shut-in. This is done using Formula. The Formula syntax is
    $ShutinCondition.beforeStart(5min).move(-5min) The "beforeStart(5 min)" creates a new 5 minute long capsule directly preceding your shut-in capsule. The move(-5 min) function shifts this new "beforeStart" capsule backwards in time by 5 minutes. 

    2. Calculate a new signal that represents the average DHP over the condition created in Step 1. Use "Signal from Condition" with the following inputs: 
    Signal or condition = DHP Summary Statistic = Average Bounding Condition = Condition from step 1 Where to place timestamp = Start Interpolation Method = Step
    3. Calculate a new signal that is the signal created in Step 2 (Average DHP before Shut-in) + 10%. Use Formula and the following syntax:
    4. Calculate a new signal that is the delta between the DHP and this initial + 10% signal. Use Formula and the following syntax:
    $DHPsignal-$signalFromstep3 5. Create a condition for when this delta signal created in Step 4 drops below zero. Use Value Search and <0 as inputs. 

    6. Create a Composite Condition that joins the end of your existing Capsules t<1 hr after shut-in to the start of your condition created in Step 5. The inputs to this composite condition will be:
    Condition A = t<1 hour after shut in Condition B = Delta signal drops below zero Logic = join Not inclusive of A Not inclusive of B Max capsule duration = long enough to capture the time back down to initial DHP. For each of the two new signals you want to create, you can use formula and the following syntax, where $ChooseCondition will be your t<1 hr and t>1 hr conditions in each formula.
    This will give you a new signal of the 1-hr rolling average of DHP only during the specified condition.
  5. Patrick's post in Clear all cache? was marked as the answer   
    One suggestion from my colleague that you can try as well if you want Datasource caching on, is go to the Admin page for the datasource and enable/disable/enable the cache (or, if it is already enabled, disable and re-enable the cache.)
    This may achieve the same result without resorting to code.
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